Friday, 7 September 2012

My Chosen Brief !

Today in my media class I was asked to thoughtfully select one out of several media breifs. For example I had a choice of creating a 'news paper article' 'film trailer' 'music video' and so on. After much thinking, I have independently decided chosen to create a Music Video for my A2 coursework. However I am going to share the advantages and disadvantages of what I was contemplating in my head.
There are many advantages of me creating a music video one is that me and everyone around me (you) are all exposed to music regularly on a day to day basis, with the advancement of technology music is a lot easier to access through the phone, internet, television, and so on, so therefore my knowledge of music increases daily, moreover I gain an understanding daily of different genres of music, I know what videos appeal to what audience, and why, and also I am familiar heavily with the stereotypical conventions of different music videos. 
Another reason I chose this brief is because it is completely different from my AS coursework; however now my practical skills can be enabled and I can also become more creative with moving images. This experience can also benefit me in future situations.
For this brief In order for it to be successful I will need to work with ' miming actors' instead of 'models,' this is advantageous because it allows my directions to be projected onto them for a long period of time, however it may be difficult for me to find the right actor/ess who is capable of fluently following directions willingly.

As with all the briefs there are disadvantages, which I hope to tackle. Depending on the song that I choose for the music video, and the requirements of the production part, I did establish a disadvantage; this was editing the music video. My skills in editing are not of a successful A2 media student yet, because I have never been taught in detail how to edit moving images on a professional software. Also my mini A2 project did not successfully turn out perfect, it was more or less a disaster, however I hope to overcome this,  by practising more in my spare time, and also gaining assistance from my teachers along the way
In addition it may be a bit difficult to arrange shooting times, especially if I am using my peers who also have work to complete for their A-Levels, moreover it may be difficult arranging shooting times out of the school as people may have strict rules and regulations from their parents/careers about their whereabouts outside their home. However I hope to overcome this by filming at a best suitable times, for both of us, even if it means for me to change my own schedule.
In order for me to successfully create a music video, taking the disadvantages into consideration, I will have to carry out a lot of research (both primary and secondary research) so that I can gain an insight on different codes and conventions of different music videos and the relation to their genre, more over I will need to consider what my target audience wishes to see in my music video by carrying out my primary research which will be accomplished before producing my music video. 

To conclude, today in my class I was asked to thoughtfully select a brief; I chose to create a music video. I have chosen to create a music video because I believe that it will project my imaginative and creative side, it also allows to me to project my interpretation of music. I am intrigued and anticipated to learn and discover new ways of editing a video, which I haven't successfully achieved before. However I have achieved a successful music and school magazine by using Adobe Photoshop CS4, I do believe that this software may allow me to achieve a successful album cover.

Furthermore I have chosen to create a cover for the albums digipak, and a magazine advertisement for the digipak because I believe that I can create an authentic representation of a
For this coursework, I must produce the following:
A promotional package for the release of an album. This must include:

1. A music promo video.
2. A cover for the album's release on Digipak.
3. A magazine advertisement for the Digipak.

(The practical component of this project is worth 60 marks.

20 marks will be for planning and research, which will be done on blogs.

20 marks will be for the written evaluation. This will be completed as a Director's. The evaluation questions are:

In what ways does your media produ
ct use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?) 

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