The questions I ask should be worded correctly to provide some form of useful response
I must not ask questions that may invade privacy (avoid personal questions that do not relate to my task)
My questions must be easy to understand for non-media students, and not too complicated
My questions should not contain bias or leading questions
I will try to design my questionnaire, so that it is easy to analyse and formulate a conclusion - (i will tr and produce quantitative data)
Conducting my questionnaire
I have decided that I am going to include5-10questions, relating to what my audience expects to see on an album cover. I have chosen to only include minimum 5 and maximum 10 questions because I believe that the answer provided will be more truthful, as it will not be occupying much of their time so therefore I assume that my results are more likely to be relatively useful to my album cover. My questions are going to be closed questions, this is because it is beneficial for my target audience, as it will be easier to complete, moreover it will be beneficial for me as it will be easier to generalise my findings.
I have decided that I am going to hand out my questionnaire to 10 participants both males and females aged from13-25 (my research shows that this is the target audience age range in the R&B soul genre) to avoid bias results. In doing this I will gain an understanding of which aspects of an Album cover my target audience may like or dislike. Therefore I can address these issues, and interests whilst creating my album cover, thus creating a unique selling point in my original cover to attract a new target audience in a new segment.
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